The Affordable Family Travel Mom: An In Depth Interview
Affordable and family travel aren’t necessarily two ideas people consider synonymous. Afterall, isn’t it expensive to pay for multiple children to travel? That’s where Vicky from Family of 4 Adventures comes in! She offers amazing family travel advice and destination guides (both near and far!).
Adventure Mom Vicky By The Numbers
Vicky is an ER nurse balancing full time work with raising two kids, ages 9 and 7, with her love for travel and the outdoors. She’s been to 3 continents, 30 countries, and 20 states.
Have You Always Loved Traveling?
Both my parents are from Scotland so from a very young age we would travel to Scotland from Canada. But I think when I really got “bitten” by the travel bug was when I went on a Contiki tour to Europe by myself when I was 23. It is also where I met my husband!

How Do You Find Time For Travel?
My husband and I have been at our jobs for many years and with that comes an increase in vacation weeks. We try to save most of our travels for the summer when the kids are off school but we have taken them out for a few weeks at a time. They are still at an age where it is easy for them to catch up. Their school is always so supportive and even encouraging about how much they will learn around the world.
What Advice Can You Give To Parents Who Want To Start Traveling With Their Kids?
Start somewhere that is not too far from home. Maybe a weekend road trip. The more you do it, the easier it gets! You learn a lot each time, for example what you should pack and what isn’t needed.

What’s One Travel Mistake You’ve Made? So We Can All Avoid It!
Don’t forget all your documents! Double check! It’s a bit of a long story but we almost got stuck in Hawaii on our way to Australia because we forgot a passport in Canada! In the end, we ended up being issued a visa to travel.
Favorite Travel Destination And Why?
Oh this is so tricky. I pretty much love everywhere we’ve been! Hawaii always holds a special place in my heart because it’s where we got married. We’ve been able to take the kids back to the same beach we got married on!

What Advice Can You Give To Families Who Want To Be More Outdoorsy But Don’t Know Where To Start?
Similar to travel, I would start with short trails close to home, maybe one that has a park at some point to play. You have to start somewhere, build up your endurance and stamina.
Any recommendations for families who want to get outdoors more but aren’t necessarily interested in hiking or camping?
I’m not a camper myself but I think there are plenty of ways to enjoy the outdoors without sleeping under the stars. One of my favourite ways is to go out on our inflatable kayak. It’s inexpensive, easy to set up and transport, the kids can help paddle or sit and eat snacks and there is no greater feeling than being out on the water!

Looking to learn more about Vicky, check out her great website and follow her on Instagram! And check out my interview with a fellow outdoors enthusiast, Priscila.