best toddler strollers for Disney world

The 9 Best Toddler Strollers for Disney World

Did you know the average person walks 9-10 miles in a day at Walt Disney World? Between the long walks and large crowds, you are going to want to invest in a comfortable and functional stroller for your trip to the Magic Kingdom. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore nine of the best toddler strollers for Disney World, ensuring a comfortable and convenient experience for both you and your little one. And make recommendations on accessories and features you can’t live without when visiting Disney World.

Trust me when I say you want to set yourself up for success by bringing the right stroller to Disney World! Take it from someone who spent a frantic two minutes trying to figure out how to collapse a stroller to the point it would fit on the Disney parking lot tram. You don’t want to start your visit to Disney theme parks with that level of stress!

Navigating Disney’s Stroller Policy: A Stroller Fit for the Magic Kingdom

Before delving into specific strollers, it’s crucial to understand and adhere to Disney World’s stroller policies. Disney has implemented size restrictions to enhance the flow of foot traffic within the parks. As of the last update, strollers must not exceed 31 inches (79 cm) in width and 52 inches (132 cm) in length and wagon strollers are prohibited. Selecting a stroller that aligns with these guidelines ensures a hassle-free experience and compliance with Disney’s regulations. I can’t imagine anything worse than being turned away at the gates!

Strollers are not allowed on escalators and children must be removed from their strollers on the parking lot tram, making a folding stroller exceptionally important.  Additionally, staff can move strollers in stroller parking to more efficiently organize the space. For this reason, I highly recommend tying a balloon to your stroller handle bar to make it easier to find if it has been moved. And not just any balloon! Get one from a nearby grocery store the night before you plan on visiting the parks, otherwise, you’ll end up with the same Mickey Mouse balloon as a dozen other strollers and it won’t help you locate your stroller from a distance!

Key Features for The Best Strollers

1. Maneuverability: Effortless Navigate disney Theme Parks

The bustling pathways of Disney World demand a stroller that effortlessly weaves through crowds and tight spaces. Maneuverability is a key feature, allowing parents to navigate smoothly from one enchanting attraction to another. Whether it’s gliding through Fantasyland or exploring Adventureland, a stroller with excellent maneuverability enhances the overall experience.

2. Storage Space: Carrying the Magic Essentials

Ample storage space is a non-negotiable feature for a Disney stroller. From snacks and water bottles to diapers and extra layers, a spacious storage basket ensures you have everything you need for a day filled with magical moments. A well-designed stroller allows for easy access to your essentials, eliminating the need to carry a separate bag. And let’s be honest, you are probably going to go home with a souvenir, or two!

3. Easy to Fold: Streamlining Your Disney Experience

The ability to fold and unfold a stroller with ease is paramount, especially when hopping on and off Disney transportation. Strollers with one-step fold mechanisms simplify the process, allowing you to effortlessly collapse the stroller while holding onto your toddler.

4. Wide Canopies: Shielding From the Florida Sun

The Florida sun can be intense, making wide canopies a crucial feature for a Disney stroller. Protecting your toddler from the sun’s rays ensures a comfortable and enjoyable experience. A wide canopy not only shields your little one but also provides a shaded retreat for those midday naps, allowing you to explore the parks without worrying about sun exposure.

The Best Toddler Stroller for Disney World

​We divided our list into different types of strollers. The right stroller for your family will depend on how many children you have, how much you want to invest, and your prioritizes when picking out a stroller. Are you more of a more is more person when it comes to storage space or do you prioritize light strollers with a one-step fold above all else? We’ll provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision and pick out the best toddler stroller for Disney World for your family!

Umbrella Strollers: Compact and Portable

If you are going to invest in a new stroller, an umbrella stroller is an excellent option. Easy to maneuver and pack up, you’ll get a ton of use out of umbrella strollers on family vacations.

UPPAbaby G-Lite Stroller

The Uppababy G-Lite Stroller is one of best options for families looking for a lightweight stroller that is equal parts functional and portable, the Uppababy G-Lite. With its minimalist design and thoughtful features, the G-Lite is ideal for on-the-go parents. It honestly might not just be the best toddler stroller for Disney World but for your everyday life as well! Here’s a closer look at its notable advantages and potential drawbacks.

best toddler strollers for disney


  1. Ultra-Lightweight: Weighing in at a mere 10 pounds, the G-Lite is one of the lightest strollers available. This feature makes it exceptionally easy to maneuver, lift, and transport, addressing the need for a hassle-free stroller for parents on the move.
  2. One-Step Fold: The stroller features a one-step fold mechanism, enhancing its user-friendly design.
  3. Compact Design: The G-Lite’s compact design is well-suited for maneuvering through crowded spaces, such as Disney World crowds during parades! Its narrow frame allows for easy passage through doorways and tight corners, providing flexibility in diverse environments.
  4. Mesh Sling Seat: The stroller’s mesh sling seat not only adds to its lightweight design but also provides excellent ventilation. This is especially beneficial at Disney World, where year around temperatures can be high.
  5. Sturdy Build: Despite its lightweight construction, the G-Lite is built with durability in mind. The stroller’s sturdy frame and quality materials contribute to its long-lasting performance, providing value for money over time.
  6. Adjustable Canopy: The stroller features an extendable and adjustable canopy, offering adequate sun protection for your child. This is particularly important during outdoor activities, making the G-Lite suitable for sunny days at parks like Disney World.


  1. Lack of Recline: The G-Lite’s simplicity comes with a trade-off, as it lacks a reclining seat. This means that it may not be as suitable for napping or extended periods of use, especially for younger toddlers who may still need a more reclined position.
  2. Minimal Storage: While the stroller does have a storage basket, it is relatively small compared to some other strollers. Parents may find the limited space challenging when carrying additional items for a day out.
  3. No Adjustable Handle bars: The handle bars on the G-Lite are not adjustable, which could be a drawback for taller parents who may prefer a customizable handlebar height for a more ergonomic pushing experience.
  4. Smaller Wheels: The stroller’s smaller wheels, while contributing to its lightweight design, may not handle rough terrains as effectively as larger, all-terrain wheels. This could potentially impact the smoothness of the ride on uneven surfaces. But shouldn’t be a problem for Disney World!
  5. Not Suitable for Newborns: The absence of a fully reclining seat and the lack of compatibility with infant car seats make the G-Lite less suitable for newborns. It is better suited for older infants and toddlers who can sit upright comfortably.

In summary, the Uppababy G-Lite Stroller shines as an ultra-lightweight and compact solution for parents seeking simplicity and agility. Its lack of certain features may be trade-offs for some families, but for those prioritizing portability and maneuverability, the G-Lite offers a reliable and convenient option for everyday use and outings.

Summer 3Dlite Convenience Stroller

Navigating Disney World with a toddler is a breeze with the Summer 3Dlite Convenience Stroller! Designed with practicality and comfort in mind, this stroller offers a lightweight and convenient solution for navigating the magic of Disney.

best toddler strollers for disney


  1. Lightweight Design: Weighing just 13 pounds, it’s exceptionally easy to maneuver, ideal for navigating the bustling crowds at Disney parks.
  2. One-Step Fold: Simplifies storage and transportation, crucial for seamless transitions between magical moments.
  3. Adjustable Canopy: Shields your toddler from the Florida sun, providing essential shade during sunny Disney days.
  4. Price Point: Offers affordability without compromising on essential features, making it a practical choice for families.
  5. Spacious Storage Basket: Accommodates your Disney essentials, ensuring you have everything you need for a day of enchantment.


  1. Non-All-Terrain Wheels: Limited to smoother surfaces, which may be a constraint in off-road or uneven terrains.
  2. No Recline Feature: The absence of a reclining seat may limit comfort during nap times for some toddlers.
  3. Basic Features: While practical, it lacks advanced features found in higher-end models, catering to families seeking simplicity over additional functionalities.

The Summer 3Dlite Convenience Stroller is a superb choice for families seeking an affordable, lightweight, and practical solution for Disney World with toddlers. Its compact fold, adjustable canopy, and ample storage make it an ideal companion for the magical experience, despite some limitations in advanced features and terrain adaptability. For those prioritizing ease of use and budget-friendly options, the 3Dlite might be the best toddler stroller for Disney World.

Double Strollers: Perfect for Siblings or Twins

Baby Jogger City Select LUX Double Stroller

For families with multiple children, the Baby Jogger City Select LUX Double Stroller offers versatility and comfort. Despite being a double stroller, the Baby Jogger City Select is designed with functionality in mind and the one-step fold feature makes collapsing the stroller a breeze. This is our go-to stroller at Disney World even when traveling with only one child! It just makes carrying snacks, souvenirs, extra clothes, and lovies too easy.

best toddler strollers for disney


  1. Modular Seating System: The City Select LUX is renowned for its modular seating system, allowing parents to configure the stroller in various ways. With over 20 possible seating combinations, it accommodates different preferences and ages, making it an ideal choice for families with infants, toddlers, or a combination of both.
  2. One-Step Fold: The stroller’s one-step fold mechanism enhances its user-friendliness. Parents navigating through the dynamic environment of Disney World will appreciate the ease with which the City Select LUX can be collapsed and stored, especially when on the go.
  3. Adjustable Handle bar: Catering to parents of varying heights, the adjustable handle bar ensures a comfortable pushing experience.
  4. UV 50+ Canopy: Equipped with a UV 50+ canopy, the stroller prioritizes the safety and well-being of your children by offering significant protection against the sun’s harmful rays. This is particularly advantageous during extended outdoor activities, such as a day at Disney World.
  5. Spacious Storage Basket: The City Select LUX boasts a generous storage basket underneath the seats, providing ample room for all the essentials. Parents can easily carry diapers, snacks, and personal items, ensuring a well-prepared and organized day at the theme park.
  6. All-Terrain Wheels: Designed with all-terrain wheels, the stroller handles various surfaces with ease. Making it great option for all of your travel excursions, not just Disney World!


  1. Bulkier Design: While the City Select LUX offers unmatched versatility, its ability to transform into a double stroller with multiple seating options contributes to a bulkier design. This may impact maneuverability in crowded spaces compared to more streamlined single strollers.
  2. Weight: The stroller’s robust build and extensive features result in a higher weight, potentially posing challenges when lifting or carrying it, especially for parents with specific strength limitations.
  3. Price: Positioned as a premium double stroller, the City Select LUX comes with a higher price tag. While it delivers excellent value for the features provided, it may be considered a significant investment for budget-conscious parents.
  4. Limited Recline in Rear Seat: In certain configurations, the rear seat’s recline may be limited when used in tandem with the front seat. This could affect the comfort of the child in the rear seat, particularly during nap time.
  5. Bulky Fold: Despite its one-step folding mechanism, the stroller folds into a bulky shape. This may be a consideration for parents dealing with limited storage space or using public transportation.

The Baby Jogger City Select LUX Double Stroller excels in adaptability and functionality, making it an excellent choice for families seeking a versatile and comfortable solution. While its bulkier design and higher price may be drawbacks for some, the stroller’s modular seating, one-step fold, and adjustable features make it a standout option for navigating Disney them parks with multiple children. I can’t say enough good things about this stroller even if you only have one child, you should definitely consider it as a top contender for best toddler stroller for Disney World!

Joovy Scooter X2 Double Stroller

The Joovy Scooter X2 Double Stroller is a fantastic choice for families exploring Disney theme parks with toddlers in tow. This double stroller is not only budget-friendly but also delivers on key features essential for a seamless Disney experience, making it one of the best double strollers on the market!

best toddler strollers for disney


  1. Price Point: The Joovy Scooter X2 offers exceptional value for its cost, making it an attractive option for families looking for affordability without sacrificing quality.
  2. Narrow Width: Despite being a double stroller, the X2’s 30-inch width allows it to fit through standard doorways, ensuring maneuverability in crowded areas—crucial for navigating Disney’s bustling walkways.
  3. One-Handed Fold: The convenient one-handed fold mechanism simplifies the collapsing process, enabling parents to manage the stroller effortlessly while attending to the excitement of Disney adventures.
  4. Adjustable Canopies: Each seat comes with an individual adjustable canopy, providing personalized shade for each child and shielding them from the Florida sun.
  5. Generous Storage: The Joovy Scooter X2 features a large storage basket, allowing families to carry snacks, diapers, and Disney souvenirs without compromising on space.


  1. Non-Adjustable Handlebars: The handlebars on the Joovy Scooter X2 are not adjustable, potentially causing discomfort for taller parents who may prefer a customized height for ergonomic pushing.
  2. Limited Recline: While the stroller offers a degree of recline, it may not be as extensive as some other models. This limitation could impact the comfort of napping for younger toddlers during extended Disney visits.
  3. Heavier Design: Weighing more than some single strollers, the Joovy Scooter X2’s double configuration adds to its overall weight. While it’s still manageable, it’s essential to consider for parents who may need to lift or carry the stroller.
  4. No Travel System Compatibility: The stroller doesn’t have the option to convert into a travel system with infant car seats, limiting its use for families with infants.

The Joovy Scooter X2 Double Stroller is a cost-effective solution for families embarking on a magical journey through Disney World with toddlers. Its narrow width, one-handed fold, and individual adjustable canopies make it a practical choice for maneuvering through crowds and providing a comfortable experience for your little ones.

Jogging Strollers: perfect for Active Families

Thule Urban Glide 2 Jogging Stroller

The Thule Urban Glide 2 Jogging Stroller seamlessly combines performance and style, making it an excellent choice for families with toddlers exploring Disney World. This jogging stroller doesn’t just deliver on the promise of a smooth run; it also provides comfort and convenience for your little one. You could even run the Disney World marathon with your toddler in tow! If that isn’t enough to qualify a stroller for the best toddler stroller for Disney World, I don’t know what does!

best toddler strollers for disney


  1. All-Terrain Capability: With large, air-filled tires and rear suspension, the Urban Glide 2 glides effortlessly over various terrains, ensuring a smooth ride for your toddler.
  2. One-Handed Compact Fold: The stroller’s one-handed compact fold simplifies the collapsing process, allowing for easy storage and transport – a valuable feature at Disney World.
  3. Adjustable Handle bars: The adjustable handle bars cater to parents of varying heights, ensuring a comfortable and ergonomic pushing experience, essential for long days at the parks.
  4. Reclining Seat: The multi-position reclining seat, complete with a ventilation window, provides a cozy spot for your toddler to rest and take in the sights.
  5. Large Canopy: The oversized canopy with a peek-a-boo window shields your child from the Florida sun, offering protection against UV rays during extended outdoor activities.


  1. Bulkier Design: The Urban Glide 2, while providing excellent performance, has a bulkier design compared to standard strollers, which may affect maneuverability in crowded areas.
  2. Heavier Weight: Weighing more than traditional strollers, the Urban Glide 2’s sturdier build contributes to its weight. While it may impact portability, the trade-off is a more robust and durable jogging stroller.
  3. Higher Price Point: Positioned as a premium jogging stroller, the Urban Glide 2 comes with a higher price tag. While the investment may be justified for active families, budget-conscious parents might find it a more substantial expense.
  4. Not Suitable for Newborns: Although suitable for toddlers, the stroller lacks compatibility with infant car seats, limiting its use for families with newborns.

The Thule Urban Glide 2 Jogging Stroller is a stellar choice for families seeking a versatile and high-performance stroller for their Disney World escapades. Its off-road capability, one-handed fold, and adjustable features make it a top-tier option for active parents exploring Disney World with their toddlers. Despite its bulkier design and higher price point, the Urban Glide 2’s combination of style and functionality positions it as an exceptional companion for Disney adventures.

BOB Revolution Flex 3.0 Jogging Stroller

The BOB Revolution Flex 3.0 Jogging Stroller is a top-tier choice for best toddler stroller for Disney World. Combining robust performance with comfort and versatility, this jogging stroller is designed to tackle the diverse terrains and is more than capable of handling a theme park.

best toddler strollers for disney


  1. All-Terrain Capability: With high-impact pneumatic tires and a mountain bike-style suspension system, the Revolution Flex 3.0 excels on various terrains, ensuring a smooth and comfortable ride for your toddler.
  2. One-Handed Compact Fold: The stroller’s one-handed, quick-fold design simplifies the collapsing process, making it convenient for storage and transport.
  3. Adjustable Handle bars: The adjustable handle bars accommodate parents of different heights, ensuring a customizable and ergonomic pushing experience during long days of exploration.
  4. Reclining Seat: The multi-position reclining seat, complemented by a ventilated design, provides a cozy spot for your toddler to relax, nap, or take in the sights, offering flexibility during your Disney adventure.
  5. Large Canopy: The oversized UPF 50+ canopy shields your child from the Florida sun, providing essential protection against UV rays, while a peek-a-boo window allows you to keep an eye on your little one.


  1. Bulkier Design: The Revolution Flex 3.0 has a robust design, contributing to its durability but making it bulkier than standard strollers. This may impact maneuverability in crowded areas.
  2. Heavier Weight: Weighing more than traditional strollers, the sturdier build of the Revolution Flex 3.0 might pose a challenge for parents who need to lift the stroller into Disney Parking Lot trams.
  3. Higher Price Point: Positioned as a premium jogging stroller, the Revolution Flex 3.0 comes with a higher price tag. While justifiable for its features, budget-conscious parents may consider it a more significant investment.
  4. Not Suitable for Newborns: Although suitable for toddlers, the stroller lacks compatibility with infant car seats, limiting its use for families with newborns.

The BOB Revolution Flex 3.0 Jogging Stroller is an exceptional choice for families seeking a durable, all-terrain stroller for their Disney World adventures. Its off-road capability, one-handed fold, and adjustable features make it a top-notch companion for active parents exploring the magical landscape with their toddlers. Despite its bulkier design and higher price point, the Revolution Flex 3.0’s combination of performance and comfort positions it as a top contender for best toddler stroller for Disney World.

Stroller Rentals: Convenience at Your Fingertips

Kingdom Strollers

While bringing your stroller has its advantages, renting one can be a convenient option, especially when traveling. There are many great stroller rental companies in Orlando, but we love using Kingdom Strollers. They offer a variety of stroller options, including single and double strollers, as well as joggers. Renting from Kingdom Strollers allows you to focus on enjoying the magic of Disney World without worrying about the logistics of bringing your stroller.

Tips for Renting from Kingdom Strollers:

  • Advance Reservations: It’s advisable to make reservations in advance, especially during peak seasons, to ensure the availability of the stroller type you prefer.
  • Delivery to Your Doorstep: Kingdom Strollers offers the convenience of delivering the stroller directly to your resort, saving you time and effort.
  • Customization Options: Choose a stroller that fits your specific needs, whether it’s a single stroller, a double stroller, or a jogger.
  • Add a balloon or colorful scarf: You’ll see a lot of Kingdom Stroller rentals at Disney World, while they all come with family name plates you’ll want to add some extra flare to your stroller to set it apart. It’s easy to grab the wrong stroller before you notice the name plate when they all look the same.

Single Strollers: Deluxe Comfort

Bugaboo Fox3 Stroller

The Bugaboo Fox3 Stroller is a blend of style, functionality, and comfort, making it an exceptional choice for families exploring the enchanting realms of Disney World with toddlers in tow. Crafted with precision and elegance, this stroller caters to the discerning needs of both parents and little ones, ensuring a luxurious Disney experience.

best toddler strollers for disney


  1. Smooth Maneuverability: The Bugaboo Fox3 boasts excellent maneuverability, allowing parents to effortlessly navigate through Disney’s bustling crowds and tight spaces, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable ride for your toddler.
  2. One-Piece Fold: The one-piece fold mechanism enhances convenience when collapsing the stroller, making it practical for storage and transport.
  3. Reversible and Reclinable Seat: The stroller’s reversible and reclinable seat ensures optimal comfort for your toddler, whether they want to face the magical surroundings or take a nap during your Disney exploration.
  4. Large All-Terrain Wheels: Equipped with large all-terrain wheels, the Fox3 handles various surfaces effortlessly, ensuring a comfortable ride for your toddler across Disney World’s diverse terrains.
  5. Extendable Sun Canopy: The stroller features an extendable sun canopy with UPF 50+ protection, offering ample shade for your little one during sunny days at Disney theme parks.


  1. Higher Price Point: Positioned as a luxury stroller, the Bugaboo Fox3 comes with a higher price tag. While it offers premium features, it may be considered a significant investment for budget-conscious families.
  2. Heavier Weight: The stroller’s robust build contributes to its weight, which may be a consideration for parents who need to lift or carry it frequently, especially when navigating Disney transport options.
  3. Complex Folding Process: While the one-piece fold is convenient, some users may find the folding process more complex compared to strollers with simpler mechanisms, potentially impacting ease of use in busy environments.
  4. Limited Storage Space: The Fox3 provides storage, but the space may be limited compared to larger strollers. Families who require extensive storage for Disney essentials might find it less accommodating.

The Bugaboo Fox3 Stroller stands out as a luxurious and practical choice for families. Its sleek design, smooth maneuverability, and premium features make it an excellent companion for parents navigating the wonders of Disney World with their toddlers. Even at a higher price point, the Bugaboo Fox3 should be on every short list for the best toddler stroller for Disney World.

Thule Spring Stroller

The Thule Spring Stroller emerges as an excellent choice for families exploring Disney World with toddlers. Designed with both functionality and style in mind, this stroller offers a seamless blend of practical features and comfort, ensuring an enjoyable experience for both parents and little ones.

best toddler strollers for disney


  1. Compact and Lightweight: The Thule Spring’s compact design and light weight construction make it an ideal companion for Disney World. Navigating through crowds and storing it during attractions is a breeze, enhancing the overall ease of use.
  2. One-Handed Fold: The one-handed fold mechanism simplifies the collapsing process, offering convenience for parents on the go.
  3. Reclinable Seat: The stroller’s reclinable seat provides versatility for your toddler, allowing them to sit upright to explore or recline for a comfortable nap during the day at Disney.
  4. All-Wheel Suspension: Equipped with all-wheel suspension, the Thule Spring ensures a smooth and comfortable ride for your little one.
  5. Adjustable Canopy: The stroller features an adjustable canopy with integrated ventilation, offering protection against the Florida sun while providing ample airflow for your toddler.


  1. Limited Storage Space: The Thule Spring’s storage space, while present, may be limited compared to larger strollers. Families with extensive storage needs might find it less accommodating for their Disney essentials.
  2. Non-Adjustable Handlebar: The handlebar on the Thule Spring is not adjustable, which could be a drawback for taller parents who prefer a customizable handlebar height for a more ergonomic pushing experience.
  3. No All-Terrain Wheels: While suitable for various surfaces, the Thule Spring’s wheels may not handle rough terrains as effectively as models with dedicated all-terrain features. This probably won’t be a problem at Disney World but could be limiting for your other adventures.
  4. Not Suitable for Newborns: The stroller is more suitable for older toddlers due to the absence of compatibility with infant car seats, limiting its use for families with newborns.

The Thule Spring Stroller stands out as a practical and stylish choice for families navigating Disney World with toddlers. Its compact design, one-handed fold, and comfort features make it a versatile and convenient option for a magical Disney adventure. While considerations such as limited storage space and non-adjustable handlebars exist, the Thule Spring’s overall performance and design make it a great choice for best toddler stroller for Disney World.

Can’t Leave at Home Accessories

Rain Cover: Be Prepared for Unpredictable Weather

Florida weather can be unpredictable, and a sudden rain shower is not uncommon. Bringing rain covers for your stroller ensures that your toddler stays dry and comfortable, allowing you to continue your Disney adventure without interruption. Most high-quality strollers, such as the Bugaboo Fox3 and Thule Spring Stroller, are designed with weather-resistant materials, but an additional rain cover provides extra protection during unexpected downpours.

Which stroller are you going to pick as the best toddler stroller for Disney World for your family? You can browse our shop of best toddler strollers for Disney World! Looking for more packing advice? Check out my packing list for the perfect Disney World adventure.

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